Saturday, February 6, 2010

When Should You See A Urinologist When You Have Kidney Infection Area Around My Penis Experiences Some Pain?

Area around my penis experiences some pain? - when should you see a urinologist when you have kidney infection

Sometimes, the general is around my penis a little pain, but noticeable, but the pain is on and off. Sometimes the pain goes away once a week. The pain still feels like his into a vein.

And then I saw a doctor, and said everything was good, I even test my urine and said everything was ok urinologist. And I'm 100% sure that this is not an STD.

All ideas about the causes of pain?


King said...

Mine does that too, at the base. He has declined over time, but you might want to check your blood pressure. I think this is because of the mines with pain.

Me! :- ) said...

The pain is caused by a nerve or nerves. Sometimes there are false perceptions.

If you do stretching exercises penis or something similar, must be stopped! There is a high risk of damage to the spinal nerves, not one, the top of the pack on each side of the penis OT.

Sretching of the penis can rupture random section of nerves between the bars represent the head of the penis, and the entry of the spinal cord.
Due to the random nature, they can not be repaired and the high sensitivity of the penis is lost.

We wish him the best of men!

Me! : -)

anthony m said...

They have a herniated disc had my brother, but we must have surgery and everything, then yes, after the surgery again, I think there is a break is not to say so, a virgin always used logs cut and worries (), where required

Jim C said...

just an idea that you, at the beginning of a hernia and they work hard, and the efforts of muscles

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